Commercial EQ-5D Registration: Priority
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Note: Fast Track is no longer possible. read more
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Please make sure to enter your country and mobile phone number correctly. Please contact Customer Support if you do not have a mobile telephone.

Please select your country where your mobile phone number is register.
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(In the dropdown below, if you find your work environment listed under “Non-Commercial Work Environment“, you might want to switch to the Non-Commercial registration route by clicking “Previous”, then “Back” and select the orange Non-Commercial button)

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Intended use of EQ-5D
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Vendors/CROs specified here will receive an invitation by email to log in to the EuroQol Customer Portal after verification of the request by a member of the EuroQol Office. In the Portal the available version(s) requested can be downloaded.

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Select EQ-5D Version(s)
Which EQ-5D version(s) will be used? Please select all that apply.
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The EuroQol Group is currently developing new instruments such as EQ-HWB and EQ-TIPS. Note that these instruments are currently experimental and are only shared with selected research collaborators. Please click here to enquire about our policy in this regard.

As the renaming process of the EQ-5D-Y to the EQ-5D-Y-3L is expected to take several months across all of our documents, either name can be found in the documentation. It should be noted that, apart from the name, EQ-5D-Y or EQ-5D-Y-3L, the content of the instrument is identical.

Select EQ-5D Version(s)
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Select EQ-5D Version(s)
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Select EQ-5D Version(s)
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Select EQ-5D Version(s)
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Select countries/regions + languages
On this screen you can select the languages and countries/regions in which you want to collect data. You can use the Search function below, or select the available languages from the list. If your language or country/region is not available, you can enter these in the Other Country/region and Language fields.
Please choose one or multiple languages
    • Afghanistan
    • Dari (Afghanistan)
    • Albania
    • Albanian (Albania)
    • Algeria
    • Arabic (Algeria)
    • French (Algeria)
    • Argentina
    • Spanish (Argentina)
    • Armenia
    • Armenian (Armenia)
    • Australia
    • English (Australia)
    • Japanese (Australia)
    • Simplified Chinese (Australia)
    • Vietnamese (Australia)
    • Austria
    • German (Austria)
    • Bahrain
    • Arabic (Bahrain)
    • Bangladesh
    • Bangla (Bangladesh)
    • Barbados
    • English (Barbados)
    • Basque
    • Basque (Basque)
    • Belarus
    • Belarusian (Belarus)
    • Russian (Belarus)
    • Belgium
    • Flemish (Belgium)
    • French (Belgium)
    • German (Belgium)
    • Bolivia
    • Spanish (Bolivia)
    • Bosnia and Herzegovina
    • Bosnian (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
    • Croatian (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
    • Cyrillic Serbian (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
    • Serbian (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
    • Botswana
    • English (Botswana)
    • Setswana (Botswana)
    • Brazil
    • Portuguese (Brazil)
    • Bulgaria
    • Bulgarian (Bulgaria)
    • Cambodia
    • Khmer (Cambodia)
    • Canada
    • English (Canada)
    • French (Canada)
    • Catalonia
    • Catalan (Catalonia)
    • Chile
    • Spanish (Chile)
    • China
    • Simplified Chinese (China)
    • Colombia
    • Spanish (Colombia)
    • Costa Rica
    • Spanish (Costa Rica)
    • Croatia
    • Croatian (Croatia)
    • Cyprus
    • Greek (Cyprus)
    • Czech Republic
    • Czech (Czech Republic)
    • Denmark
    • Danish (Denmark)
    • Dominican Republic
    • Spanish (Dominican Republic)
    • Ecuador
    • Spanish (Ecuador)
    • Egypt
    • Arabic (Egypt)
    • El Salvador
    • Spanish (El Salvador)
    • Estonia
    • Estonian (Estonia)
    • Russian (Estonia)
    • Ethiopia
    • Amharic (Ethiopia)
    • Oromo (Ethiopia)
    • Finland
    • Finnish (Finland)
    • Swedish (Finland)
    • France
    • French (France)
    • Georgia
    • Georgian (Georgia)
    • Germany
    • German (Germany)
    • Turkish (Germany)
    • Ghana
    • English (Ghana)
    • Twi (Ghana)
    • Greece
    • Greek (Greece)
    • Guatemala
    • Spanish (Guatemala)
    • Haiti
    • Haitian Creole (Haiti)
    • Honduras
    • Spanish (Honduras)
    • Hong Kong
    • English (Hong Kong)
    • Traditional Chinese (Hong Kong)
    • Hungary
    • Hungarian (Hungary)
    • Iceland
    • Icelandic (Iceland)
    • India
    • Assamese (India)
    • Bengali (India)
    • English (India)
    • Gujarati (India)
    • Hindi (India)
    • Kannada (India)
    • Konkani (India)
    • Malayalam (India)
    • Marathi (India)
    • Odia (India)
    • Punjabi (India)
    • Tamil (India)
    • Telugu (India)
    • Urdu (India)
    • Indonesia
    • Indonesian (Indonesia)
    • Iran
    • Farsi (Iran)
    • Iraq
    • Kurdish Sorani (Iraq)
    • Ireland
    • English (Ireland)
    • Israel
    • Arabic (Israel)
    • English (Israel)
    • Hebrew (Israel)
    • Russian (Israel)
    • Italy
    • Italian (Italy)
    • Jamaica
    • English (Jamaica)
    • Japan
    • Japanese (Japan)
    • Jordan
    • Arabic (Jordan)
    • Kazakhstan
    • Kazakh (Kazakhstan)
    • Russian (Kazakhstan)
    • Kenya
    • Dholuo (Kenya)
    • English (Kenya)
    • Swahili (Kenya)
    • Kuwait
    • Arabic (Kuwait)
    • Latvia
    • Latvian (Latvia)
    • Russian (Latvia)
    • Lebanon
    • Arabic (Lebanon)
    • Libya
    • Arabic (Libya)
    • Lithuania
    • Lithuanian (Lithuania)
    • Russian (Lithuania)
    • Luxembourg
    • English (Luxembourg)
    • French (Luxembourg)
    • German (Luxembourg)
    • Malawi
    • Chichewa (Malawi)
    • English (Malawi)
    • Malaysia
    • English (Malaysia)
    • Malay (Malaysia)
    • Simplified Chinese (Malaysia)
    • Tamil (Malaysia)
    • Maldives
    • Dhivehi (Maldives)
    • Malta
    • English (Malta)
    • Maltese (Malta)
    • Mauritius
    • English (Mauritius)
    • French (Mauritius)
    • Mexico
    • Spanish (Mexico)
    • Moldova
    • Romanian (Moldova)
    • Russian (Moldova)
    • Mongolia
    • Mongolian (Mongolia)
    • Montenegro
    • Cyrillic Montenegrin (Montenegro)
    • Montenegrin (Montenegro)
    • Morocco
    • Arabic (Morocco)
    • French (Morocco)
    • Myanmar
    • Burmese (Myanmar)
    • Nepal
    • Nepali (Nepal)
    • Simplified Nepali (Nepal)
    • Netherlands
    • Dutch (Netherlands)
    • New Zealand
    • English (New Zealand)
    • Maori (New Zealand)
    • Nigeria
    • English (Nigeria)
    • Hausa (Nigeria)
    • Yoruba (Nigeria)
    • North Macedonia
    • Macedonian (North Macedonia)
    • Norway
    • Norwegian (Norway)
    • Oman
    • Arabic (Oman)
    • Pakistan
    • Sindhi (Pakistan)
    • Urdu (Pakistan)
    • Panama
    • Spanish (Panama)
    • Paraguay
    • Spanish (Paraguay)
    • Peru
    • Spanish (Peru)
    • Philippines
    • Cebuano (Philippines)
    • English (Philippines)
    • Hiligaynon (Philippines)
    • Ilocano (Philippines)
    • Tagalog (Philippines)
    • Poland
    • Polish (Poland)
    • Polish - Feminine (Poland)
    • Polish - Masculine (Poland)
    • Portugal
    • Portuguese (Portugal)
    • Puerto Rico
    • English (Puerto Rico)
    • Spanish (Puerto Rico)
    • Qatar
    • Arabic (Qatar)
    • Romania
    • Romanian (Romania)
    • Russia
    • Russian (Russia)
    • Rwanda
    • Kinyarwanda (Rwanda)
    • Saudi Arabia
    • Arabic (Saudi Arabia)
    • Serbia
    • Cyrillic Serbian (Serbia)
    • Serbian (Serbia)
    • Sierra Leone
    • Krio (Sierra Leone)
    • Singapore
    • English (Singapore)
    • Malay (Singapore)
    • Simplified Chinese (Singapore)
    • Tamil (Singapore)
    • Slovakia
    • Slovak (Slovakia)
    • Slovenia
    • Slovenian (Slovenia)
    • Somalia
    • Somali (Somalia)
    • South Africa
    • Afrikaans (South Africa)
    • English (South Africa)
    • Northern Sotho (South Africa)
    • Sesotho (South Africa)
    • Setswana (South Africa)
    • Tsonga (South Africa)
    • Xhosa (South Africa)
    • Zulu (South Africa)
    • South Korea
    • Korean (South Korea)
    • Spain
    • Galician (Spain)
    • Spanish (Spain)
    • Sri Lanka
    • Sinhalese (Sri Lanka)
    • Tamil (Sri Lanka)
    • Sudan
    • Arabic (Sudan)
    • Sweden
    • Swedish (Sweden)
    • Switzerland
    • French (Switzerland)
    • German (Switzerland)
    • Italian (Switzerland)
    • Taiwan
    • English (Taiwan)
    • Traditional Chinese (Taiwan)
    • Tanzania
    • Swahili (Tanzania)
    • Thailand
    • English (Thailand)
    • Thai (Thailand)
    • Trinidad and Tobago
    • English (Trinidad and Tobago)
    • Tunisia
    • Arabic (Tunisia)
    • French (Tunisia)
    • Türkiye
    • Turkish (Türkiye)
    • UAE
    • Arabic (UAE)
    • Uganda
    • Acholi (Uganda)
    • English (Uganda)
    • Lango (Uganda)
    • Luganda (Uganda)
    • Runyankole (Uganda)
    • UK
    • Arabic (UK)
    • Bengali (UK)
    • English (UK)
    • French (UK)
    • Gujarati (UK)
    • Polish (UK)
    • Portuguese (UK)
    • Punjabi (UK)
    • Simplified Chinese (UK)
    • Turkish (UK)
    • Urdu (UK)
    • Ukraine
    • Russian (Ukraine)
    • Ukrainian (Ukraine)
    • Uruguay
    • Spanish (Uruguay)
    • USA
    • English (USA)
    • Haitian Creole (USA)
    • Korean (USA)
    • Russian (USA)
    • Simplified Chinese (USA)
    • Spanish (USA)
    • Traditional Chinese (USA)
    • Vietnamese (USA)
    • Uzbekistan
    • Cyrillic Uzbek (Uzbekistan)
    • Uzbek (Uzbekistan)
    • Venezuela
    • Spanish (Venezuela)
    • Vietnam
    • Vietnamese (Vietnam)
    • Wales
    • Welsh (Wales)
    • Zimbabwe
    • Shona (Zimbabwe)
Selected Language

If the country/region + language is not available on the left side of the screen, click the `+ Add Country / region + Language` button below.

# Other Language

Available EQ-5D Versions
Below you see all the versions you have selected, and their availability. The available versions have been selected automatically. Please review the table and select the versions you require.
Note that unavailable versions can be created for you, but this will take several months, at a minimum. Moreover, you will be asked to pay the translation-/adaption costs. Please click here for details. We will contact you after registration regarding the next steps.


Please select an option
Please note that EuroQol Research Foundation does not recommend modifying EQ-5D, as by changing the instructions of EQ-5D results in an instrument that deviates significantly from the original version. This could lead to difficulties with authorities if they request EQ-5D data, as the modified version might produce different data.
EuroQol Research Foundation would not be responsible and not liable for any issues with the use of the data.
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Please Check The General Conditions

EuroQol handles personal data with the necessary care. More about this can be found in our Privacy statement.

Commercial requests will be handled with priority. Depending on whether an active license agreement is in place, a quote, a license agreement and/or a third party agreement will be drafted. We will reply to your commercial requests within 2 business days. Next steps:
  • After pressing Submit you will receive a confirmation of your registration by email.
  • At a later timepoint you will receive an invitation by email to log in to the EuroQol Customer Portal. Note: initially not all your requested versions may be available for download in the Customer Portal, as your request is being processed. However, there may be tasks for you in the Portal, so we kindly ask you to log in. You will receive a separate email when your requested versions are available for download.
Note:  Fast-Track Digital enabled.
No license agreement is needed. You will need to print, sign and upload a Digital Use Letter before delivery. We aim to deliver EQ-5D within 2 days after you have uploaded the Digital Use Letter.
Note:  Fast track enabled.
No license agreement is needed. You will need to accept our Terms of Use which will be presented to you after you have clicked the submit button. We aim to deliver EQ-5D within 2 business days after you have accepted the Terms of Use.
Next steps:
  • After you have clicked the Submit button below you will be presented with the Terms of Use.
  • When you accept the Terms of Use you can download the document, or receive a copy by email. You can also download a copy later from the EuroQol Customer Portal. You will be contacted by the EuroQol Office if you reject the Terms of Use.
  • Next you will receive a confirmation of your registration by email.
  • After verification of your request by a member of the EuroQol Office, you will receive an invitation by email to log in to the EuroQol Customer Portal. In the Portal the available version(s) you requested can be downloaded.
  • We aim to deliver the requested EQ-5D language versions within 2 business days after accepting the Terms of Use.
Note:  as you have selected an unavailable EQ-5D version, please indicate below your desired date of availability.

A license agreement is needed, at no cost to you. Next steps:
  • After pressing Submit you will receive a confirmation of your registration by email.
  • With 5 business days a representative from the EuroQol Office will be in touch to discuss available options and to set up a license agreement.
  • At a later timepoint you will receive an invitation by email to log in to the EuroQol Customer Portal. Note: initially not all requested versions may be available for download in the Customer Portal, as your request is being processed. However, there may be tasks for you in the Portal, so we kindly ask you to log in. You will receive a separate email when your requested versions are available for download.

A team member from the EuroQol Office will be in contact about your registration.

The email checker was not able to verify your email address. This could mean that we cannot reach you. Please contact Support if you did not receive our registration confirmation email within 24 hours..

Your Details
Intended use of EQ-5D
Requested available and unavailable versions

Please click the “Previous” button if you want to change your registration.